Angels Bridge Housing Program

We have a 3-Phased Program that provides bridge housing, counseling, training, mentoring, and guidance to participants for a 9-18-month period. The majority of women in our program are survivors of human trafficking. Our program was designed to substantially decrease Seminole County’s homeless population. The program goal is to provide resources that women need to become self-sufficient upon reentry into society. Our focus is women who have been displaced and are considered homeless, living at 80% below the area median income. These women lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. We triage them into our program and keep them safe, providing basic needs regardless of their criminal background, credit history, or past evictions. Our mentors equip and enable participants to become productive self-sufficient members of the community. We call participants in the program, our “Angels.”

Phase 1 | The Angels Restoration Place

At The Angels Restoration Place, their journey begins immediately with mentoring to self-sufficiency. During the first 30 days our triage staff provide a tailored plan of action for each participant. This is an intense time of prayer and counseling to help them adjust. They will have a specific path, depending on their prior experience. Our mentors encourage steps with realistic, obtainable goals. The path to self-sufficiency with their families, and communities includes on-the job training, short term certificates, and higher education options. In so doing, we build their skill-sets, self-worth, and catapult them to success. The first 90 days are spent mainly on campus preparing them for success in Phase 1. Our current partners for Phase 1 are The Sharing Center and Operation New Hope.

Phase 2 | Finding Their Way Home

During Phase 2 of our program, we support women for 6 months to 1.5 years depending on circumstances. 


This location has more freedom for participants to work and spend time with family–with possible furlough to see children. In this location, decor is upgraded and more inviting. The participants are able to pay rent and save money at during this phase. 

Phase 3 | New Location Coming Soon

We are currently fundraising for construction, repairs, and materials for our Phase 3 location.  Phase 3 of our program is the road to self-sufficiency. 


During this phase, some participants will roommate together; while, some will be restored to their children and provide a safe home. Phase 3 graduates will be considered program alumni and give back to the new Angels. They will have a 1-year lease to anchor themselves as self-sufficient, followed by a month-to-month lease. Our current partner for Phase 3 is Habitat for Humanity.


Apply to the
Angels Restoration Place

To apply for Angels of Mercy Ministries, “The Angels Restoration Place” (TARP), download, complete, and email the application to