Our Mission

Did you know?
Women released from prisons, jails, and rehabs are essentially homeless and often hopeless. Seminole County’s homeless population has increased 49% to 313 people according to a HUD census. Once released from the criminal justice system, ex-offenders usually find re-entering society a difficult process. They are not released with the tools for success. These women have served their debt to society and deserve a hand up, not a hand out. We are partnering to break this vicious cycle and empower these women to become productive members of society.
Empowering displaced women with the necessary resources to become self-sufficient.
Angels of Mercy Ministries is a faith-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that empowers displaced women with the necessary resources to become self-sufficient.
We serve women reentering society, who are recovering from homelessness, incarceration, and addiction. We call the women in our program our “Angels” to restore their identity as valued and cherished, and we take a holistic approach to empowering their healing journeys.
We offer tools to create lasting changes that will reset and restore women to become who God created them to be. Thus, reducing homelessness and decreasing the recidivism rate.
Our ministry is comprised of three main branches that offer bridge housing, skills-training, job placement and more: 3-Phase Bridge Housing Program, Angels Second Chance Boutique, and Angels On The Inside.
Angels Finding Their Way Home |
Our Second Property
Needs Donations
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'Light The Way!' Gala
Saturday, June 8th, 2024.

We are hosting our 2nd annual 'Light the Way!' Gala & hope you will join us!
Date: June 8th, 2024 | Time: 6:00 PM EDT | Location: 541 N. Palmetto Ave., Suite 103, Sanford, FL
Friday, April 28th, 2023.

Thank You For Your Generous Support!
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